THEY say imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Well it seems that is the case in Warrington's General Election race.

Because contained in the election leaflets handed out by the Community Action Party on Saturday was information on council tax bills. The party claims Warrington residents are set to be hit by a double council tax bombshell.

However, the words seem to ring true with a previous political release.

And that's because it was exactly the same as a press release sent out by the Liberal Democrats in February.

Flattery indeed!

THIS week saw the closure of nominations for candidates wanting to stand in the General Election.

And while you may have thought the major parties would have been first to hand in their nomination forms - that wasn't the case for Warrington South.

Independent candidate Paul Kennedy was the first to sign on the dotted line last week!

POLLSTERS looking for omens about how May's vote could go may have been given a clue this week.

Conservative candidate for Warrington South Clr Fiona Bruce and Lib Dem candidate Clr Ian Marks were at Lymm High School on Monday for a specially organised debate with sixth formers.

Labour were unable to send anyone.

And following the talk, a poll was held that saw the Lib Dems take 67 per cent of the votes.

Clr Marks said: "This was a great result and I am very pleased with it."

TUESDAY is the last date at which residents can apply for a postal ballot.

Officials at Warrington Borough Council will close nominations at 5pm for people wanting a postal ballot paper.

THE confirmed list of candidates for the General Election have been released and are as follows:

Warrington North

l Andrew Ferryman (Cons)

l Michael Hughes (CAP)

l Helen Jones (Labour)

l John (Jack) Kirkham (UKIP)

l Peter Walker (Lib Dem)

Warrington South

l Fiona Bruce (Con)

l Gerald Kelley (UKIP)

l Paul Kennedy (Independent)

l Ian Marks (Lib Dem)

l Helen Southworth (Lab)