A WALKING bus resulted in 50 fewer children coming to school in cars last Wednesday, as part of a week of healthy activities organised for the youngsters.

St Joseph's Primary School, in Walton Avenue, welcomed Wolfie on board to promote the scheme, which chauffeured children from Lingley Green and Whittle Hall.

And Warburton's bakers sponsored high visibility jackets for those taking part, as well as providing bread so that they could enjoy a slice of toast on arrival.

Pat Peel, teacher and healthy schools co-ordinator, said: "We have bad traffic congestion outside the school, and a poll last year showed that 265 out of 315 kids were coming by car, which impinges on residents and the children.

"The walking bus was fantastic. Ideally we would like to see it run more mornings and if successful do the journey home too."

The children also took part in a competition to design a logo for the walking bus stickers, produced by Winwick Quay firm Ultra Publishing.

Street dancing and aerobics were two of the other activities on offer, with visitors including Penketh High School advanced skills teacher Sue Jones and representatives from the NSPCC at the Peace Centre and Warrington Primary Care Trust coming in to run sessions.

Infants at the school are provided with Government-funded fruit, so Tesco donated £200 worth of fruit for the juniors. A healthy tuck shop was launched with the help of the borough council's direct services department.