VOLUNTEERS could help keep a play area clean and safe for young children to use.

At a meeting of Penketh Parish Council last Monday, councillors heard that broken glass had been found at the site on Greystone Recreation Ground.

A private contractor cleans the play area once a week, but people in the community are also being asked to get on board to keep an eye on the children's facility.

Clr George Warburton said: "We need people with goodwill in their heart."

Parish council chairman Clr Ann Milling said: "There are a lot of kind people out there who would help if there was a need for it.

"It is also up to the councillors to check ourselves that it is safe.

"The police have agreed to cruise past and they would stop if they had cause for concern."

The parish council opened the playground and a youth shelter for older children on the field last May.

Youths gathering at the shelter came under fire from residents last year for making a nuisance of themselves at night.

Complaints included youngsters bouncing on the shelter's roof and swearing, which sparked parish councillors to look at its siting.

One resident, who lives off Greystone Road, said: "The parish council should be praised for bringing these facilities to the area.

"Now it's up to people to look after them."

Meanwhile, more facilities look set to be provided for youngsters in the area.

A £40,000 grant from WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd) is to be used to revamp Wythenshawe Recreation Ground, off Warrington Road.