IN LINE with the Guardian's report concerning the empty- headed vandals creating havoc in the Orford area, it grieves me so to hear of the woes of the Orford residents having to suffer the onslaught of these 'outlaws'.

As a working resident of Longford, let me say how easy the vandals have been on these people and inform them of just what it's like to live in Longford.

For the past 18 months, my family and I have had one car stolen, then crashed and four more destroyed while they were legally parked outside the house.

I pay both my rent and council tax to a council that only offers me excuses and promises of action against these vandals. To date I am £4,471 out of pocket paying for transport so we can get to our jobs, earn our living and not be a burden on the state by claiming benefits.

And our reward? Lots of incident/crime numbers from the police and we still have to put up with abusive victimisation on these Longford streets.

For more than a year, we have asked, begged and wept to be moved away from this area, only to be fobbed off by the housing office. I have been told, that, after having a CCTV system in my home from October last year until January this year, anti-social behaviour orders will be issued to these Longford culprits. Just who do these people think they are bluffing, all the ASBOs in the world just will not work on these idiots?

Would any family in Orford care to do a house exchange with my home in Longford? I bet I get no takers to that offer.


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