that helped Rose reach

her 100th birthday

"A SIMPLE life, a good diet, lots of fresh air and exercise."

That's the secret behind retired school teacher Rose Mary Bennett reaching her 100th birthday this week.

Rose, also told the Warrington Guardian: "The other thing that helps is to have everything in moderation and always look for the best in people".

Rose, originally from Queens Street, was born in 1905, and was the first child of Harry and Mary Alice Bennett.

She later had two siblings - Lucy and Thomas.

Lucy, aged 99, lives with her in the Old Rectory Nursing Home, in Grappenhall.

Rose attended Evelyn Street Primary School before moving to Warrington Girls' High School.

Rose said she was a bright pupil and was advised to attend a college in the south, and was accepted into Portsmouth Municipal College where she studied for two years.

When Rose had completed her two-year course, she returned to Warrington.

However, due to a lack of teaching positions in the area, she accepted a position in Manchester.

She later took a job at Bolton Boys Junior School in Latchford. Rose was totally committed to her teaching career, and stayed at Bolton Boys until she retired at 60.