SCHOOL secretaries are honing their computer skills at Warrington Collegiate.

A new training course has begun, offering ITQ (Information Technology Qualification) and ENVQ (Electronic National Vocational Qualification) credentials.

Lynn Miller, tutor at the collegiate's business school, said: "The ITQs are flexible qualifications which can be tailor-made to suit an employer's requirements.

"The courses have been designed with school secretaries in mind, and are also tailored to suit each individual's needs.

"It will give them a qualification that enables the secretaries to use relevant systems in their work, for example SIM, which they need for putting SATs results on to a specialised database.

"ENVQs are a new concept in learning, where all the work is done electronically - so no need for piles of paper and folders!"

The collegiate, in partnership with Warrington Borough Council and the Learning and Skills Council, has signed up 20 school secretaries for the course.

School secretaries sign up for new IT classes