GRIDLOCKED traffic around Bridge Foot has reached breaking point, say Warrington's motorists.

And they do not think that the solution to the problem lies with congestion charges.

Caroline Marlfield, of Grappenhall, said: "It is becoming impossible to get back on to Bridge Foot island from Riverside Retail Park.

"On Saturday, I spent more than 30 minutes queuing.

"The lights only let three or four cars through and nobody seems to appreciate that there are three lanes.

"The roadworks on Wilderspool Causeway are just making things worse. We are reaching breaking point."

And one motorist, who did not want to be named, said: "It seems as if there is no easy route to get through town any more.

"Most main roads seem to have problems."

Another motorist contacted the Warrington Guardian to say that the answer to the town's rush hour hell lies in better roads, not a reduction in traffic.

He said: "To blame everything on the car and commuter is wrong.

"The pandering to minority pressure and the idiotic political bias against vehicular traffic has created the shambles that exists in Warrington today.

"Congestion charges are not and never will be the answer."

He added that public transport is too expensive and walking is impossible on poorly maintained pavements.

He said: "New housing estates are allowed to access already busy roads without thought, and roads are built too narrow and then create bottlenecks as they become used.

"The answer is better road planning."

l What do you think the answer is?

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