POLICE want to educate unsuspecting parents about drugs so they can spot the telltale signs in their children.

Mums and dads will be shown cannabis, heroin and ecstasy during a police briefing on the dangers.

"Youngsters seem very streetwise about drugs and we want to ensure the parents are too," said Sergeant Matt Todd. Next month's meeting follows concern at the increase in drug abuse in Holmes Chapel.

Officers believe children as young as 14 have been supplying cannabis in the village.

"We are making significant inroads into drug dealing but we find some parents don't know what drugs are around, don't know what symptoms to look for, and don't want to accept that their children could be involved," said Sgt Todd, who is a member of the local community action team.

Leaflets detailing the effects of various drugs will be handed to parents at the meeting.

"We don't want to frighten parents," he said. "We want to reassure them so that they feel confident about the issue."

Cannabis was downgraded from a class B drug to a class C substance more than a year ago after a recommendation from the Advisory Council.

But last week the Home Secretary ordered a review of the decision after new studies suggested a strong link between the drug and mental illness.

Sgt Todd said one of the biggest problems since the reclassification was that people thought it was legal.

"We want to assure them that it is not and they will be arrested," he said.
