A businessman has appealed to his neighbours to help pay to maintain two flowerbeds near a Knutsford school.

Jim Kenyon, who runs Fantasia in King Street, said he wanted the floral borders to remain in Blackhill Lane instead of being turfed over by hard-up council officials.

"It would be a crying shame if that part of Knutsford was just turfed over," he said.

"I'd really like other people in the town to get involved and make a difference."

Mr Kenyon, who grew up in Bexton Lane and now lives in Summers Way, said he believed it would cost about £400 to maintain the flowerbeds. The shopkeeper said he was willing to make up any shortfall in costs but hoped residents would rally round to help.

"I would ask them to get in touch," he said.

Just a few months ago Macclesfield Borough Council revealed it could no longer pay to maintain the borders opposite Bexton Primary School because of budget cuts.

Knutsford Town Council had just weeks to decide whether to find funds to cover costs for plants and maintenance or lose the flowerbeds.

"It is an important part of the community," said Clr Jennifer Holbrook, who helps to spearhead the town's North West in Bloom campaign.

She said sustainable plants, such as low growing shrubs, would be planted in the borders instead of flowers to make them easier to maintain.

Ollerton Nursery has been asked to design the flowerbed and staff have agreed to do the planting.

A third flowerbed, which contains roses donated by Fryers Nursery, will remain.

"We will be reviewing them in time," she said.

The borough had also planned to reduce the number of hanging baskets in the town centre from 48 to 24. But the town council's environment committee has now agreed to pay for those.

On Friday Clr Holbrook revealed that another town centre business had agreed to sponsor planters in the Canute Square roundabout.

Meller Braggins has agreed to pay for a two-tier planter and Knutsford Rotary Club will sponsor the other.

If you want to help pay for the flowerbeds call reporter Shelley Smith on 01565 751114.