A FORMER Weaverham High School pupil was determined to cross the finish line of the London Marathon to raise money for a cause very close to his own heart.

Jonathan Williams took part in the 26-mile race on April 17 in aid of the Hillsborough Justice campaign - a charity that offers support to families of people who died in the historic Sheffield football ground tragedy - after a suggestion from his wife.

Jonathan, who was at the fateful FA Cup semi-final clash between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest where overcrowding led to 96 fans being tragically crushed to death, said: "After being in the Leppings Lane End for the match on April 15, 1989, Elizabeth suggested that I raise money for the campaign. I am now collecting my sponsorship monies in excess of £600."

The 33-year-old, who moved from Delamere Park to Reading to work as a statistical programmer, finished the race in a time of 4h 19m 56s.

He said: "After four half marathons and many mornings watching the marathon I decided to run.

"At the half way point I was on target for a four-hour finish but the tiredness started to show after about 17 miles and I slowed down and had to walk a few times.

"My wife and I married in Barbados in February and my training was interrupted by that so I'm glad I still managed to finish."

The Liverpool supporter will present the money to the chairman of the Hillsborough Justice campaign ahead of the Reds' clash with Middlesborough on Saturday.

He said: "They were very grateful for my support and sent me a T-shirt and pins for the race."