WHEN Year 11 pupils at Middlewich High School take their study leave next month, they won't be the only ones saying farewell to the school.

After almost five years serving his first headship, David Lythgoe will be moving on to pastures new to take up a position in Wigan.

The 47-year-old, who joined the school in 2000, says he will feel a mixture of sadness and excitement during his last day on Friday and told the Guardian that he will miss the 'outstanding staff and wonderful pupils'.

He said: "It a fantastic school which has achieved some fantastic results in the time I have been here.

"Whoever takes on the position of headteacher will inherit a very hard working and committed staff."

A science teacher himself, Mr Lythgoe is particularly proud of the school's successful bid for specialist status in maths, science and information communications and technology, which they achieved in February.

He is delighted with the uniform changes he introduced, saying: "My pet issue was uniform and I think the kids are much smarter now and the attitude towards being smart has changed."

But there will be no relaxing for him during his last week of school, as he has to conduct interviews for the new headteacher and take part in an Ofsted inspection on Friday before his final send off.

He added: "At least I have the bank holiday to get some rest."