CHESHIRE County Council has applied for a court order to remove a family of gipsies from a plot of land in Middlewich.

As reported in last week's Guardian, a group of travellers arrived at Pochin Way on April 13, followed by a second group who set up in ERF Way a few days later.

Last week a representative from Cheshire County Council's joint highways committee served both encampments with a letter asking them to move on.

But according to a spokeswoman both camps are still in situe and the council has now started court proceedings.

She said: "The travellers in both encampments are from one extended family consisting of 20 adults and 13 children.

"None of the travellers have complied with the letter from Cheshire County Council and the council is now taking court action.

"They have applied for a court hearing before a county court judge where they will ask for repossession of the land - they don't ask for an eviction notice. If they get that they will serve it to the travellers and it is at that point that the travellers usually go."

She said: "If the notice is granted the travellers will have 48 hours to leave the site. If they refuse then a county court bailiff will be asked to move them."

But she said that the process might take longer than normal, as one of the travellers is a pregnant woman who is expected to give birth within the next week. She added: "The pregnant woman has been seen by a health visitor and will go to Leighton Hospital to give birth. If she is detained in hospital a county council solicitor would have to decide if the family could stay."

As the Guardian went to press a date for a court hearing was due to be decided.