ORGANISERS are putting the finishing touches to plans for this weekend's Middlewich's Rose Fete.

The event, which was resurrected last year after an absence of almost 15 years, takes place on Saturday afternoon and committee members hope it will be one of the best on record.

Amy Edwards, of Northwood Avenue, is to be the star for the day as this year's rose queen and will be accompanied by her two attendants Katie Yearsley and Leonie Drury, both 13.

The 14-year-old will be joined by rose princess Imogen Traynor Barry, nine, and rose princess attendants Shannon Yearsley, 10, Katie Drury and Lauren Moran, both 11, along with fairy queen Gabrielle Ellison, five, and fairy queen attendants Danielle Young, five, Amy Aldridge, eight, Mya Cross and Lucy Aldridge, both six.

And retiring rose queen Sara Cooper-Bagley, retiring fairy queen Chelsea Poval and attendant Georgia France will be cheering the new retinue on.

Rose fete committee member Gemma Ellison said: "We had a practise on Saturday and are due for another one later this week, that's got everyone really excited.

"It's a bigger event than last year, we've got quite a few more attractions and the procession will be even bigger.

"We have also had some Middlewich businesses sponsor the event, which is really good as it is nice to have their support."

She added: "I just hope this weather holds out."

The procession, led by Rode Hall Silver Marching Band, starts at Somerfield car park at 1.30pm and travels along Darlington Street, Wheelock Street and Civic Way, finishing at Market Field.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Middlewich, councillors Jim and Dorothy Basford, will then crown the elected queens and princess.

After the crowning the prize for best fancy dress will be awarded, followed by a performance by the Holmes Chapel Dance Company and Silverstar Line Dancing.

Other attractions include workshops from the Bravo Circus Club and a display from Middlewich Fire Service.