A MIDDLEWICH father led a small but significant vigil to protest against the family court system.

Richard Warner, of St Anne's Avenue, led a peaceful protest at Crewe Magistrates' Court on Friday night as part of a countrywide vigil in aid of raising awareness for support group Dads UK.

The 29-year-old said the aim of the Candles 4 Kids vigil, which lasted for nearly two hours, was to get across to the public just how unfair the family courts are and although there were only nine people at the event, Richard believes the protest was worthwhile.

He said: "The point of this vigil was to get public support, to get across to the Government and politicians that the general public aren't going to sit back and let it go on."

Richard became involved with Dads UK after he was separated from his three-year-old son Cameron when he split from his partner last year.

He said: "In this country family courts tend to be biased against dads and children are losing contact with their dads."

He added: "I am disappointed that more people didn't turn up, but I've got to say I didn't think we'd have a big turnout the first time around and I'm happy with how it went.

"The feedback we've got from the other courts has been great. We are going to do something like this again, perhaps before Christmas."

He added: "I've made some good contacts and some new friends and we've said we're going to keep in touch."

He thanked Middlewich town councillor Chalky White for attending the vigil to show his support, adding: "He was very helpful and has given us suggestions and offered his support if we need it."