WORK to improve the condition of a footpath in Meadowbank is set to go ahead despite the fact that no one knows who owns the land.

At a meeting of Winsford Town Council on Monday night, it was decided to look into the possibility of putting a bark surface on the footpath leading to a playing field off School Lane.

The issue of ownership has been ongoing for a number of months but has still not been determined.

It was suggested by Clr Nick Harris to go ahead with the bark surface to enable the footpath to be used by children in time for summer.

But councillors Peter Gannon and Des Worthington are calling for a hard surface to be put down and the issue of ownership to be resolved.

Clr Gannon said: "Putting bark down will bring us right back to where we were six months ago and it defies logic as far as I'm concerned.

"Surely it is in the interest of the town council anyway to determine who owns that land."

Clrs Gannon and Worthington believe the condition of the footpath prevents many people from accessing the playing area especially disabled people and mothers with prams.

But Clr Tony Hooton told the meeting that the bark surface would be a suitable solution to the problem.

He said: "If we got this in place you might be surprised at how long this bark lasts."

It was decided to continue to look into the issue of ownership while the cost of laying down the bark surface is being determined.