THE community is set to rally together and ensure the future of a Winsford youth centre is bright following a fire last week.

The New Images youth centre, on Nixon Drive, was targeted by arsonists but following a meeting with community leaders, staff at the school are hopeful anti-social behaviour can be reduced in the future.

The meeting took place between Neil Dyment, headteacher of Verdin High School, Andrew Duncalf, school business manager, and Mike Kennedy, chairman of Grange Residents' Association, and all three were pleased with the progress made.

Mr Duncalf said: "We are certainly both working towards the same thing.

"It seems there is a problem with the behaviour of some people on the Grange estate just like there is anywhere else, but it is reassuring to know that we have the support of the community.

"It's difficult for a school to do anything about what happens there at night and weekends."

Mr Kennedy is also hopeful by working together they can ensure New Images is a success.

He said: "The meeting was very productive and I gained a lot from it.

"It was very disappointing to hear about the fire because a lot of time and money has been spent on it.

"It is time the community stood up against this sort of behaviour and my association is right behind them.

"The Grange Residents' Association is committed to tackling these issues and we will do everything we can by working with staff at the school and New Images to ensure the future of this much needed centre."