KINGSMEAD residents are being urged to be extra vigilant after a spate of burglaries in the area.

Northwich Police issued the warning after 19 reported incidents since the beginning of March

Properties have been targeted mainly during daylight hours when the occupants have been out at work.

Now officers are asking residents to report any suspicious activity they see regardless of how insignificant it may seem.

Burglary investigation officer PC Nigel Twigg said: "This number of incidents is extremely rare for the area and police are working hard to catch those responsible. We do need the public to help and we are requesting that if anyone sees anything suspicious, to contact us.

"Please be vigilant and keep an eye on neighbouring properties and report anything suspicious to the police."

Mr Twigg said residents should also take steps to security proof their properties. He added: "We would urge all householders to take specific precautions in relation to securing their houses and recommend that all locks on doors and windows are secured, household alarms are activated and people use electrical timers to activate lighting and audio equipment.

"This can give the impression people are in the house even when they are not."

If you have any information regarding the burglaries, ring Northwich Police on 01244 613233, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.