RESIDENTS are celebrating after Winsford Town Council agreed to close an anti-social behaviour hotspot at night.

At the council's meeting on Monday night it was announced that Over Recreation Ground could be locked to prevent any further assaults or incidents of vandalism taking place there.

Town Mayor Don Beckett told residents present at the meeting that the council could move ahead with the proposals and would also try to make the area a no drinking zone.

Mike Kennedy, chairman of Grange Residents' Association, said: "It is great news and is something that will greatly improve the lives of people living near to the park.

"I'm pleased Don Beckett and the town council has taken this issue on board.

"We will endeavour to keep the council informed of any issues that are ongoing in the area."

Clr Beckett has assured residents that the council will pay for the cost of the paperwork necessary to close the park but warned that it could take up to 12 months to implement.

But Mr Kennedy is hoping the situation can be resolved sooner.

He said: "It is excellent news but I think people will be quite disappointed that it may take 12 months to happen.

"There are problems up there and the sooner it is closed at night the better.

"There have been serious assaults on the park and if we close this off I hope it will go some way towards preventing any more incidents from occurring."