FIREFIGHTERS in Winsford are set to take the unusual step of cleaning people's cars in an attempt to increase fire safety awareness.

A charity car wash will take place at Winsford Fire Station, on Sadler Road, on Saturday and people will not only have the chance to get their car washed and donate money to charity but they will also be given free advice on how to protect themselves from fire.

All proceeds from the event will go to the Fire Service Benevolent Fund, St Luke's Cheshire Hospice and Cheshire Fire Cadets' trip to Ghana, but it is hoped it may also save lives.

Firefighter Ronnie Moore, based at Winsford Fire Station, is appealing for as many people as possible to get involved.

He said: "While your car is being washed take the opportunity to speak to your community firefighters about free home fire safety visits and free smoke alarms for your homes - it could save your family's lives.

"You can also take a tour around the fire station and fire appliances while you are there and please don't hesitate to ask any questions about fire safety for which we will provide free advice leaflets."

The charity car wash has been organised by Winsford firefighters as well as Morrisons and Asda supermarkets, which have donated deep fat fryers as competition prizes. Each car wash will cost a minimum of £2.

If you do not attend the event but would still like a free smoke alarm or fire safety visit, call 0800 389 0053.