THE go ahead has been given for a multi-million-pound 'super centre' to be built in Winsford that will ease the pressure on doctors' surgeries.

Permission was granted for Winsford Health Park to be built at Vale Royal Borough Council's planning committee meeting on Thursday, enabling work to begin.

The super centre will incorporate all the doctors' surgeries in the town under one roof and provide services that are currently only available at Leighton Hospital.

The health park, which will be built on land off Dene Drive, will revolutionise health care in the town by offering patients services such as minor operations, blood tests and physiotherapy without having to travel to hospital.

Richard Ellison, head of planning at Vale Royal Borough Council, said: "The members of the planning committee welcomed the proposal and its improvements for the town.

"Planning permission has now been granted but they will still need to get building regulations."

The super centre is being funded by Central Cheshire Primary Care Trust (CCPCT) and has involved GPs at every step of the planning stage.

Nicola Morgan, CCPCT facilities manager, said: "There will be a built in gym, minor operations suite and pharmacy so it really is going to be brilliant for the town.

"This is going to be an absolutely marvellous facility that will greatly improve health care in Winsford."

No date has yet been set for the start of building the health centre.