TRADERS have given the thumbs up to plans to invest £117,000 in Winsford Market after more than 10 years of campaigning.

Vale Royal Borough Council is discussing proposals to redevelop the market as part of the Winsford Gateway scheme and stallholders believe it is long overdue.

Niel Hodkinson, chairman of Winsford Market Traders, said: "We have been banging away at the council for more than 10 years so hopefully we are starting to get somewhere.

"It is good news if it does go ahead because there is a lot of potential, but we need this work to be carried out to encourage people to come here."

Clr Keith Musgrave outlined plans for the redevelopment last week and said the work would be paid for by a three per cent increase in rent.

But Mr Hodkinson said: "The rise is already going ahead so it won't be paid for by that.

"If they spend the money on the market it will mean more lock ups and that will mean extra revenue, so hopefully it will be self financing."

Traders are behind plans to redevelop the market but after more than 10 years of waiting many are remaining sceptical.

Dave Colclough, who owns a card stall, said: "I'll believe it when I see it. We are moving forward and we have a market superintendent who is doing a lot of work to get the improvements.

"You have to think about why people would come and shop at Winsford Market and if you look around at the moment there aren't that many.

"But hopefully that will change if we do get this investment."