A PLAYGROUP has won plaudits from education watchdog OFSTED.

Vicarage Lodge pre-school is a place where motivated staff help kids learn in a fun way, inspectors say.

Sue Antrobus, supervisor, said: "We are really pleased with this report."

The playgroup, which is based in Highlands Road, Runcorn, has 67 children on the register - and another 40 on the waiting list.

Each can have a maximum of five two-and-a-half hour sessions each week.

The playgroup is a charity staffed by volunteers and run by a committee.

"We work very hard," said Sue. "We have got a very strong team of staff here, and they are extremely dedicated.

"They have been here for a long time."

Staff teach pupils the five basic themes of the curriculum, which are core ideas like maths, language and literacy, and creativity.

Even the main room is divided up with partitions.

This means that the children can learn about each theme in a different part of the room.

"We try to make sure it is a happy learning environment," said Sue.

"We feel that if they are happy, they are going to learn more."