THE future of a Northwich-based company hangs in the balance and 30 jobs are at risk after the loss of more than £200,000 funding.

European Social Fund (ESF) chiefs are withholding more than £200,000 in fees from Plan-it Training and Consultancy Ltd after auditors claimed they had concerns about the eligibility of a number of the company's partners in bids for ESF projects, prompting Plan-It bosses to call for an inquiry.

Managing director Lorraine Hatton-Downward said: "We are a company that has professionally delivered ESF training programmes nationally and regionally for a number of years - helping the north west benefit from the European funds that are made available.

"We operate the highest standards and have in the past been congratulated on our success by the government offices we deal with on a regular basis.

"Yet after a recent audit we are now being told that our match funders - the organisations who act as our partners in ESF projects - are no longer eligible."

Lorraine, who formed the company in Winsford 12 years ago, is planning to meet Weaver Vale MP Mike Hall today, Wednesday, to call for an inquiry.

She said: "The whole scenario is bizarre because these very same match funders have been deemed eligible by the very same people who are now saying they are not eligible."

She added: "What is absolutely clear is that without the funds we are owed Plan-It could go down - throwing our hard working and committed staff out of work.

"On top of that more than 1,000 students around the country who were due to have benefited from training delivered by us will be left out in the cold."