CONCERNS have been raised after inaccurate election leaflets were delivered to households claiming the former county council had made cuts in the library service of £75,000.

But although the issue was contained in consultation document and the Conservatives green book, it was never put forward in the county council budget.

The leaflets were delivered by a Labour candidate who is standing in the county council elections.

It is believed more candidates could have delivered the leaflets.

Labour candidate Brian Jamieson, who is standing as a candidate for the Weaver Division, said he did have the information on his leaflet.

He said: "I have copied this information from documentation I have received.

"If it has changed, it is not what I have here.

"According to the documentation, there are £75,000 cuts in library services."

Derek Bateman, who was Labour leader at the time, said the information had come from a party manifesto and that Mr Jamieson was not to blame for the incorrect information.

Mr Bateman said: "There has been a reduction of just over £80,000 in four years.

"The Tories were going to make these cuts right up to the last minute."

A spokesman for Cheshire County Council said: "This was contained in a consultation document and the Conservatives green book.

"The proposal was to adjust library opening hours to reflect the hours of usage.

"But it was never put forward as a proposal in the county council budget setting meeting, which was held in February."

Concerns over the inaccurate figures quoted in the leaflet were raised by a Conservative candidate who is standing in the election.