A SCHEME to house a gipsy site on land at Higher Whitley has provoked anger among villagers.

Businessman Paul Bryan has submitted a plan to build the site on land off Dark Lane in the tranquil, leafy village.

And the application has stirred emotions among villagers who say the scheme should not go ahead.

Eighteen of them packed into Whitley Parish Council's meeting on April 17, to lodge their objections to the blueprints that have been lodged with Vale Royal Borough Council.

One resident, who did not wish to be named, said irrespective of what would be placed on the site, this was an area of countryside that would be destroyed and ruined by development.

She added: "We are not totally against travellers or gipsies, but development of any kind here would not be appropriate.

"This is a beautiful village and much of what makes this area so beautiful would be spoiled by this kind of scheme.

"We will fight this all the way."

Parish councillors agreed to oppose the plans after hearing from members of the public and also from Mr Bryan, who gave his reason for putting forward the plans.

Councillors objected on the grounds that the proposed site is in the green belt and a conservation area.

It will be discussed by Vale Royal Borough Council's planning committee next month.