THE future of Northwich Victoria Football Club remains uncertain after a week of rumours concerning thousands of pounds being owed to creditors.

One time Vics chairman and major shareholder Rod Stitch, who rejoined the club as director under the chairmanship of Mike Connett, is no longer associated with the club.

And commercial manager Brian Edge, who had been with the club for four years, has also left.

Last week the Guardian revealed that a writ had been issued against Northwich Victoria Football Club 2004, demanding repayment of a £25,000 loan.

According to the writ the money was lent to the club by another company in two instalments in February and March this year on the basis that it would be paid back within a few weeks following the receipt of a bridging loan by the club.

But according to the club's unofficial website this could be only the tip of the iceberg.

A meeting of creditors was held at the Penny Black pub in Witton Street on Saturday prior to the final match of the season, where it was revealed that money, totalling thousands of pounds, was owed to various creditors.

Despite the rumours, questions still remain unanswered as neither Rod Stitch nor Brian Edge were prepared to comment.

Mr Stitch is the owner of Mid Cheshire Construction, the company which has carried out much of the work at the new Victoria stadium.

l NORTHWICH Vics are confident they have won the approval of the Nationwide Conference after a ground inspection on Monday.

Conference executives visited the Victoria Stadium to discover what work needed to be completed prior to the final inspection and cut off date of May 31.

And officials at the club believe they went away satisfied.

A spokesman for the club said: "Everything was there in black and white for them and they seem confident that it is achievable.

"Everyone is very upbeat about it."