A HORRIFIED Wincham mother is issuing a warning to other parents after her nine-year-old son found a used syringe in the village playing fields.

The concerned mother, who does not wish to be named, said her son found the needle when he was playing football at the Linnards Lane playing fields with a group of friends.

She said: "He turned up at the door with a used syringe that had just been discarded where the children play football.

"He brought it back because he knew it was wrong.

"Thankfully it was capped, but it was definitely used and had blood in it as well.

"I had to talk about things I didn't want to talk about with a nine-year-old."

She said that youths were known to congregate around benches at the playing field but that the syringe had just been thrown in the grass by the goal posts.

The mum, of Shelley Avenue, added: "I want everyone to be aware of it and if anyone sees anything they should report it to the police."

She informed staff at Wincham Community Primary School of the danger, because many children pass through the playing fields on their way to school.

Headteacher Diane Palin said: "I'm just so concerned for the children of the village.

"A piece has gone in the school newsletter to go out to parents and make them aware of it and to make them aware to tell little ones not to pick anything up off the floor.

"A community police officer is also coming into the school to talk to the children."

She added: "It's awful - children often leave school with their parents and pop over to play on the swings.

"It's quite a nice playing field but there's always someone who wants to ruin it."