PRESIDENT Gladys Kirkham opened the April meeting. Members were invited to sign up to volunteer to either help on the day of the VE celebrations on May 5, or to bake cakes for the stall.

In the absence of the secretary, Sharon Boden informed members that the WI raffle tickets were on sale priced £1 and that she had also received the 2005/06-course programme for Denman College. Members were encouraged to look at it.

Geoffrey Greenhough was the speaker for the evening, giving an excellent and informed talk on the history of the country parish. His talk and pictures described how being a parson has altered over the centuries.

He had been the vicar in the parish of Pott Shrigley and explained some of the history of the church going back to its beginnings from 1390 up to the present day.

Refreshments were served by Gill Brain and Sheila Hetherington and the competition for a picture of a country church was won by Lesley Beeley, with Gill Targett second and Ann Maddock third. Lesley Beeley also won the raffle.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 9, at 7.30pm, when members will discuss WI resolutions. This will be followed by a whist drive.