PRESIDENT Alison Lord welcomed members to the April meeting. Congratulations were extended to Marion Kennerly on her recent 101st birthday and to the darts team for winning the group darts competition.

The annual coffee morning will be held on May 21 from 10.30am until noon.

Stalls will include garden plants and homemade cakes, there will be an art and crafts display on show and the choir will entertain.

Members were invited to provide recipes catering for one or two for inclusion in a booklet Quick, Nice and Tasty. They were also encouraged to join in the interest groups covering art, bowls, bridge, drama, craft, Scottish country dancing and the choir.

Gordon Farr, former headmaster of Willaston School, was the speaker, talking about the world of worm charming.

Willaston has been the venue for the World Worm Charming Championships for 25 years, starting in 1980 when local farmer's son Tom Shufflebotham charmed 511 worms out of the ground in 30 minutes.

Charmers can use garden forks and other implements to help coax up the worms, but sprinkling water on the ground is not allowed.

Bessie Jones thanked Mr Farr.

The next meeting will be held on May 12.