AT the April meeting, acting president Mrs Southerton welcomed a full complement of members and one guest to a very interesting evening.

After last month's most interesting talk on Dunham Massey by Marianne Howard, it was proposed to arrange an outing.

Arrangements are also under way for the summer event at Owley Wood Club that Weaverham WI are doing in conjunction with Winnington WI.

Dressed in Victoria costume, speaker Margaret Done spoke about Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum, the beginning of Primitive Methodism and the first Sunday schools.

The chapel has a large collection of banners, including one from Weaverham.

Mrs Pymer entertained members with stories of her life as the daughter, then the wife of a funeral director.

Mrs Robertson won the competition for a Victorian artefact, with Mrs Rafferty second.

The next meeting is on Monday, May 9, at 7.15pm at Church House.

The resolutions will be discussed, followed by a faith supper and prize bingo.