THE Kingsley WI meeting on April 6 was presided over by Joan Barker, as president Helen Stewart was on holiday.

The speaker was Roslyn Bielstein, whose subject was life on the canals. She was born in Hull but now lives on a narrow boat in this area. She began her story by singing one of her own folk songs. Her first journey was through Middlewich to Stoke-on-Trent. On this journey she had to learn the task of working the many lock gates.

To illustrate her story she brought along some of the typical objects that canal folk use on their boats. She demonstrated how to decorate them using acrylic paints in the attractive traditional rose pattern.

Roslyn also brought glassware painted in the same style. She showed rag rugs and cushions and demonstrated how they were made. She finished her talk by singing more folk songs.

The darts team was congratulated for coming joint second in the March competition. Acton Bridge was the winner.

Joan Barker reported on building progress at the community centre. The new floor is being laid and painting finished off ready for the re-opening day.

The next meeting on Wednesday, May 4, will be at the community centre, when national resolutions will be discussed and speaker the Rev Bernard Dodd will give his talk, Hold Tight Please.