AFTER the president had welcomed everyone on a lovely, spring evening and the normal business and forthcoming events were discussed, including the Cheshire Show dates, thanks were given to Val Cross and Gladys Howard for donating super raffle prizes.

There was a very good turnout of ladies for the April meeting to hear Christine Salsbury's presentation of Finishing Touches.

She introduced herself as having been a primary school teacher for many years, deciding on a complete change of career at the age of 50. Her talk was very informative and full of humour, starting from when she was a colour analyst, before starting to deal in all types of additions to outfits using hats, scarves, jewellery and belts.

It was fascinating for members to see Christine transform a simple suit into an outfit suitable for a wedding, simply by adding the right accessories.

Round faces need wide brimmed hats, long faced people should not wear tall hats and don't wear a belt if you have a small waist. This was just some of the knowledge acquired by members, including how to buy wisely.

At the end of her talk, members enjoyed themselves trying on hats and experimenting with different ways to wear a scarf.

The next meeting is on Monday, May 9, at 7.30pm and will include discussing resolutions.