I, ALONG with many other people, was sickened to hear that a 14-year-old boy had been attacked in Winsford and is currently fighting for his life.

There seems to be a growing gang culture in Mount Pleasant and Winsford in general. Children constantly hang about on street corners. A lot of the children who congregate on Mount Pleasant don't even live there.

I don't live on Mount Pleasant, but know people who do and 95 per cent of the people who live there are decent people.

A lot of the parents whose children do congregate on Mount Pleasant are probably totally unaware that their children hang around there. These children must be a menace to local residents and give Mount Pleasant and the surrounding areas a bad name.

How anyone could inflict such severe injuries like that on a 14-year-old is beyond belief. What is wrong with society?

I would just like to ask many parents, do you know where your children are tonight?

The police should consider a local curfew.