I FELT I had to write in support of the travellers in Middlewich. It seems in the present climate they do not appear to be able to do anything right!

They were criticised for setting up camps on other peoples' land, so the present travellers in Middlewich have purchased their own properties. From what I have witnessed they look after their property and keep it in good condition, better than other properties I have seen in the town.

They have ensured good fencing around the property to hide the contents of their gardens to varying degrees and get on with their lives.

So why do people in Middlewich continue to hound them? First it was for having too many caravans in their gardens against planning permission and some were moved. Then they were criticised for the fences.

I don't think they are doing any harm to anyone in going about their daily business in many ways and this week I have seen that the CW10residents are objecting to the parking and selling of cars on the canal bank, knowing very well they belong to travellers.

Why is there nothing about the fishermen who park along the bank on a regular basis? Nor have I heard complaints about the parking during the folk festival.

I have witnessed some things that the travellers do that are offensive, like dropping litter, inconsiderate parking and driving.

Why don't the CW10residents concentrate on supporting the clean team with the litter and look at the problems with vehicles that can cause harm?

We should try to work together as a community. Perhaps the association could invite a traveller to be a member and participate actively in CW10 issues?

Next time we see a story in the Guardian concerning the travellers, can it be good news or one reporting on issues which cause real harm or risk to someone else?