WITH the passing of the Pontiff, all true believers in the Christian faith and others who worship God must stop all religious squabbling, accept the teachings of the Scriptures and work to stop the moral decay in Britain.

Since the 1960s, the AIDS virus has spread worldwide, which coupled with an irresponsible attitude of the State, is one main factor in crime, alcohol abuse and child delinquency.

If only Christian leaders worldwide had defended the Scriptures perhaps AIDS would not have been spread and innocent children would not die daily from this disease. More children would have been born to loving parents.

We cannot turn back the clock, but we can remind our religious leaders and would-be politicians to face facts - only a male and female sexual union produce our nation's next generation and we parents and grandparents want our children to live in a moral and near crime-free land.

Ask the politicians - will they help restore God's sacred moral law back into British common law and our religious leaders to follow in the late Pontiff's footsteps and defend only the true and condemn evil?

