SOME of the most vulnerable disabled people in Halton are still missing out on housing grants.

They can't get cash for special equipment in their homes - because there aren't enough council workers to process grant applications.

The council actually has £190,000 left over for grants - but the lack of workers means it literally can't give the money away quickly enough.

The news came at this week's meeting of Halton council's executive board.

The councillors at the meeting were upset at the problem - despite years of difficulties with the grants, there was still a lack of progress.

Cllr Phil Harris said: "We have people who come to us and complain about an elderly parent having to wait in excess of 12 months or longer to get a grant processed.

"Year after year we still don't seem to be getting on with processing the disability grants."

Cllr John Swain said: "I don't feel we have ever really got on top of this as an issue - and we are talking about some of the most vulnerable and needy people in the borough."

The council is trying to solve the problem by hiring consultants to process the applications.

And Halton Housing Trust, which takes over the management of council homes next year, will also help out.

Diana Terris, strategic director for children and young people, said: "The good news is that Halton Housing Trust are preparing to deal with some of the capacity issues."