Walton Parish councillor Bob Harding said: "We recommend that the bridge be reconsidered and relocated.

"It would require the destruction of a fine cedar tree, believed to be more than 150 years old."

One Stockton Heath resident objected on the grounds that the structure would cut across the view of the approach along the towpath, be out of character and questioned the safety concerns cited by Warrington Borough Council.

Planning officers argued that the proposed 24 metre footbridge was required in order to provide safer access to the site, for bothpedestrians and vehicles using the existing bridge.

They said that alternative solutions would be problematic in terms of engineering and costs and that the plans were needed to ensure that the gardens met Green Flag status.

John Groves, development control manager, said: "The bridge is necessary for new legislation that has come into play. It is designed to be as invisible as possible.

"It is a shame to lose trees but we believe it is necessary to ensure the continued use of Walton Hall."


is a plan too

far at Walton Gardens