PLANS to develop the Lostock Triangle have been deferred for a second time to enable developers to produce an environmental impact assessment.

The firm has submitted plans for 23 business units, two hotels, a restaurant and a convenience store.

The study has to be carried out as part of legislation but when planners asked the developers if it had been carried out they said it hadn't.

The assessment will look into how the proposal will impact on residents living close to the area and how it will impact on traffic and wildlife.

Residents have expressed concerns about the wildlife and traffic problems.

They said they had difficulty getting out in the morning due to the large number of haulage vehicles and they were also worried about wildlife inhabiting the area, including a bird sanctuary.

Lostock Parish Chairman Clr Shaun Wells said the developers had been asked by Vale Royal Borough Council to carry out the assessment, which they said hadn't been done yet.

Clr Wells said: "It will have delayed the plans for a month or two but I think once that has been done it will more or less go ahead. There's not a lot we can do about it.

"As long as we have the best deal for the people living around, that is what matters."