WHERE can you find Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Cliff Richard and Pink Floyd in one room?

At Halton YMCA, of course!

The homeless shelter is auctioning a selection of special edition albums at its annual fundraiser.

There will be gold discs by Britney and Kylie, and signed albums by Cliff and Pink Floyd up for grabs.

Andy Guile, fundraiser, said: "You have to be there to be in with a chance of taking one of these home.

"It should be an excellent night."

The event is on June 24 at the Holiday Inn, Runcorn, and is an Ascot themed race night.

There will be a four-course dinner and Andy promises 'top class racing and musical entertainment'.

Tables are £25 per person or £250 for a table of 10.

And for an extra £100 per table you can sponsor a race and receive the royal enclosure treatment.

Dress is black tie or Ascot hats.

For more tickets and information, call Halton YMCA on 01928-591680 or email andy.guile@haltonymca.org.uk