THIS letter is in strong support of the Loose Music Collective. At a time when young people are given bad press in national newspapers I wish to commend the young musicians in this area.

My own interest is in writing and performing my own poetry, an area of the arts well catered for locally, including at the new Brindley. On a number of occasions I have gone along to events organised by LMC, given an open mic spot and been encouraged by the young people.

I have attended other events and always been treated with respect.

The young musicians of the area should, indeed do, have the right to a place they can regard as their own.

In a previously published letter to the Widnes World, I stated that there were proposals by local people for the Queens Hall Studio that were more appropriate than those put to the council by Marmalade, I was referring to Loose Music Collective.

Please will the council act in favour of Loose Music Collective and the youth of our area and allow the community to achieve its potential?

Annie Marsh,

Pit Lane,
