I HAVE just returned from the bus stop outside the doctor's surgery in Station Road, Padgate, after seeing my daughter on the bus.

The front of the surgery was littered everywhere with glass, the doors shattered and every front window smashed. The phone box too had been trashed and, quite frankly, I was appalled that anyone could be so mindless. On arriving at the surgery two receptionists had to start clearing up the mess these vandals had made.

One woman who lives opposite to the surgery came out and called to me. When I went across the road, she asked what had happened and I told her. She said she had not seen anything, but did say that on Saturday night, April 16, she counted 25 youths congregating around the surgery and would tell the police if she saw them again.

Well I sincerely hope that whoever is responsible will be caught and punished. Not with a youth custody or jail sentence, that is not a punishment these days, but made to repay for the damage and inconvenience this has caused.

If the vandals are minors then their parents should take responsibility.

These crimes are too frequent and where are the police? We never see a policeman either in a car or on foot.

We pay council tax and are not getting any protection.


Guildford Close, Padgate