I WORK as a carer in the community and have done for a number of years.

An increasing number of senior citizens now wish to remain in their own homes with assistance from social services. Care companies within Warrington provide the care plan for the client as prescribed by social services.

Time limits are set for each call and any time over the call will invariably put pressure on the system and possible stress on the carer. Often the carer on their rounds will be asked by the office to try to fit in extra calls owing to staff technicalities, combined with the added problems of rush hour traffic, congestion and the school runs, clients calls may be delayed. When a carer arrives in the vicinity of the client they may have difficulty finding a parking space because of parents on the school run parking outside senior citizens' residences.

I appeal to all those parents in Warrington who do the school run not to park outside elderly residents' bungalows or flats. Carers are increasingly becoming the first to arrive on the scene of instances that could result in life or death. It may be that some lives may have been saved if other motorists had been more thoughtful as to where and when they park.

