I totally agree with Mr Smith's comments last week 'Dick Turpin would be proud'.

How can this council justify increasing our council tax only to charge us for driving through town to get to Walton Gardens?

Who wants to shop in Warrington when you have to pay to go through the town only to pay to park?

Don't forget it is this council that has reduced the amount of swimming space in the town (closing Warrington Baths). It is this council that spends thousands of our hard earned pounds on maintaining the skittles. It is this council that lets building firms knock down listed buildings and then apply for permission to build.

With the congestion charge more than likely to be implemented I feel a pattern emerging. The moral to my story is: this council does not and will not listen to the people of Warrington.

Do not fall for any future promises now we are so close to an election. I still don't know who to vote for.

