our friends...

IT will soon be playtime all the time for children at Cinnamon Brow Farm Club after a generous donation from a housing association.

Muir Group Housing Association, via its charitable subsidiary Friends of Muir Group, has donated £4,000 to Cinnamon Brow Residents' Association to pay for equipment for a private play area at the back of the club.

David Hull, Muir Group regional manager, said: "Working closely with residents' groups is a fundamental part of sustaining our neighbourhoods.

"Through the work of our charitable subsidiary, we are looking to support innovative projects on and around all our estates."

Mick Curran, chairman of Cinnamon Brow Residents' Association, said: "When everything is up and running the children will have a private, fenced-off area all of their own with plenty of play equipment where their parents can sit and watch them."