A CONTROVERSIAL application to convert a Padgate house into a residential home for adults with learning difficulties has been approved by members of the borough council's development control committee.

Despite objections from residents of neighbouring properties to Heath Lodge on Green Lane, councillors voted to approve the application, overruling concerns over traffic safety.

Ward councillor Karen Mundry addressed the committee, speaking in objection to the change of use, saying: "The residents of Green Lane are concerned with the traffic issues that arise from this development. There are only two parking spaces and obviously a commercial use will require more spaces for all the staff who will use it."

She added that an increase in vehicles, including doctors, nurses, deliveries and visitors, would create more traffic and endanger school children.

A 56-name petition objecting to the application on issues of traffic safety was submitted to the committee along with four individual letters of objections.

Residents claimed that the inevitable increase in traffic would worsen existing parking problems and cause serious traffic safety concerns on Green Lane.

Other reasons for objection included a high record of road accidents in the area, difficulty in accessing the site and visitors to the facility parking on Mead Road causing access problems there.

But the borough council's highways department found no reason to refuse the application on the grounds of road safety, maintaining that two parking spaces would be sufficient.

The applicant, Mr J Farragher, claims that there is a shortage of such facilities in the area and that there would be no greater traffic flow than that from a family home.

Councillors approved the application on condition that it return to the committee for approval on parking provision submissions.

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