by Peter Hough

ELEVEN ramblers converged on Ilkley Moor, booted up and prepared to walk into mystery.

The Yorkshire day started off misty and chilly, but it soon cleared and became warmer.

The group were taken to view the Iron Age swastika stone, and then rested at the White Wells building while I told them of the caretaker's encounter with a tribe of elves in 1815.

As we made the climb up to the moor tops, I regaled the party with a modern tale of a police officer who came face to face with an alien creature.

Later we stood in the circle of Neolithic stones known as The Twelve Apostles, and chanted the words to 'On Ilkley Moor Baht'at'.

After that it was on to the giant Cow & Calf rocks - scene of a UFO landing, then down a wooded gully past a Victorian lake to the car park. The intrepid explorers had dipped their toes into the mysteries of the moor and survived an enjoyable and eventful day.

Next walks: Sunday, May 1, Middleton Fell and Wednesday, May 4, Bersham, North Wales. Call Tom Leonard on 762287.