by Bobby Westwell

NATALIA Kerkham, a herbalist, gave an interesting talk on the benefits of different herbs and how to look for, and use, various plants which we take for granted in the countryside. She has agreed to accompany us on a walk in Marbury and to the Anderton Boat lift in June.

Mel Davies gave an informative talk on the work of The Elisabeth Svenson Trust for children and donkeys. This registered charity, founded in 1967, relies on contributions and has volunteers working in five bases around the country ensuring a happy and loving retirement for many thousands of donkeys, some of which have been rescued from appalling conditions.

Further aims of the Trust are to bring pleasure into the lives of children with special needs and disabilities who learn to ride. To find out more call Debbie Coombes on 0161 301 4051.

Forthcoming events are visits to the Liverpool Playhouse and Chester cathedral. The next meeting is on May 18.