by Mrs PD Poulter

ON May 2 there will be a community day; on May 9 Culcheth Literary Circle will host talk on Jane Eyre and on May 18, there will be coffee morning.

Several members were doing a sponsored swim at Woolston baths for the Beanstalk Appeal. The cake stall and money-on-ribbon, also for the appeal, are to be repeated next month.

The speaker, Jean Hamer, gave a series of readings, both amusing and serious, on the topic of Images of Childhood.

The competition for an old toy was won by Wyn Worthington, with Muriel Hochin and Maureen Draper coming second and third respectively.

The meeting concluded with a quiz about 'gift horses'.

The next meeting is on May 11 at 7.30pm at Newchurch Hall Parish Hall, when there will be a discussion on the resolutions to be put to the National Federation AGM followed by a beetle drive. For further details call Jean Riley on 762722.