by J Davies

ON May 24 there will be a talk by an orthopaedic surgeon on hips and knees at the Methodist Church hall. An outing to Shropshire will be on July 19.

Mrs Draper announced that the Literary Circle will be having an open day on May 9 and all will be welcome. It will be in the Parish Hall at 2pm and the speaker will be Liz Williams who will talk about Romantic love, as portrayed by Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. There will be a charge of £1.

Rupert Rees accepted our cheque on behalf of the Parish Hall Development Fund.

Mr Frank Bonser spoke to us about A day at the seaside. This amusing talk took us on a nostalgic trip by train for a family day out in the days of steam trains, piers and comic postcards. The next meeting will be on May 17 at 2pm.