PLANS to demolish a bungalow and build a house in Lymm have been passed despite opposition from those living nearby.

Members of the borough council's development control committee, however, ignored the complaints of more than 20 neighbours over the blueprints.

Developers want to flatten the bungalow on Hardy Road in the village and build a detached house.

One neighbour, who lives on Hardy Road, told the meeting: "The development would be obtrusive and out of character and would overshadow and remove the privacy we currently enjoy. The size is detrimental to the street scene."

And Clr Sheila Woodyatt, member for Lymm, said she supported the objections of residents.

She added: "This is a good sized plot but residents feel that the proposed house is out of character with existing properties in Hardy Road.

"Residents in Heyes Drive at the rear of the site are especially concerned at the massing and overbearing effect this proposal will have on their bungalows."

However, the committee members heard that new proposals for the land would fit in with the current environment of the area.

John Groves, development control manager, said: "The new house would be at the same height as those adjacent. The increase in mass is a small one of only three per cent."

Meanwhile, plans for an extension to a home on Mardale Crescent in the village were agreed at the same meeting.

The first floor extension was given the unanimous backing of committee members as they met at the Gateway on Sankey Street.